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deKaires Tejlor je engleski umetnik, skulptor, rodjen je 1974., otac
mu je Englez a majka iz Guajane. Odrastao je u Evropi i Aziji, gde je
veci deo decacckog doba proveo proucavajuci malezijske koralne
grebene. Skolovao se na jugoistoku Engleske u Kentu i maturirao na
umetnickom koledzu Kambervel Instituta u Londonu 1998. kao Mladi
Vitez Umetnosti sa pocasnom diplomom za skulpturu i keramiku.
pocetku 2008. Tejlor je, zajedno sa Dzejmijem Gonzalesom Kantom poceo
da pravi planove za podvodni muzej, a ideja je bila da se vremenom
prirodno pretvori u koralni greben. Naime, dr. Dzejmi Gonzales Miki,
direktor nacionalnog parka Kosta Oksidental Isla Muheres, Punta
Kankun i Punta Nizuk, primetio je da su turisti, sidra i ronioci
ostetili prirodne koralne grebene, medju kojima najvise- najveci
koralni greben u Kankunu, Mankones greben. Kanto i Tejlor, kojima se
prikljucio i Roberto Diaz Abraham, predsednik Nauticke Asocijacije,
koji je pristao na plan prve dvojice o izgradnji vestackog koralnog
grebena... Abraham, Kanto i Tejlor osnovali su MUSU ( muzej
podvodnih skulptura). Zajedno su osmislili vestacki koralni greben
od korala i skulptura, kako bi vecinu turista i ronioca odvratili od
velikog Mankones grebena. Taj vestacki koralni greben je postao
podvodni muzej skulptura. Skulpture su zajedno sa Tejlorom na dno
okeana postavila jos sestorica umetnika. Do kraja 2013. 500
betonskih skulptura je bilo u postavci MUSA zbirke. Pored te zbirke
jos 26 replika je bilo postavljeno u centar za posetioce u Malu,
Kukulkanu u hotelskoj zoni. Vise od sto hiljada posetilaca je posetilo
MUSU tokom 2013., pored onih petsto hiljada koje je posetilo drzavno
zasticeno podrucje.
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deCaires Taylor is an English artist, sculptor, born in 1974., his
father was Englishman and his mother from Guyana. He grew up in
Europe and Asia, where much of his childhood spent on coral reefs of
Malaysia. He went to school in Kent, South East England, and
graduated at Camberwell College of Arts Institute in London 1998. and
received a B. A. Honours in sculpture and ceramics.
the beginning of 2008. Taylor, along with Jaime Gonzalez Canto began
to make plans for an underwater museum and the idea was to eventually
turn into a natural coral reef. Specifically doctor Jamie Gonzalez Miki,
the director of the National Park Costa Occidental Isla Mujeres,
Punta Cancun y Punta Nizuc, noted that tourists, anchors and divers
damaged natural coral reefs, including the most , largest coral reef,
Manchones reef. Canto and Taylor, which joined with Roberto Diaz
Abraham, President of Cancun Nautical Association, who agreed to the
plan on the construction of artificial coral reef... Abraham, Canto
and Taylor founded MUSA ( underwater museum). Together they designed
an artificial coral reef made with corals and sculptures, to turn
away majority of tourists and divers from big Manchones reef. That
artificial reef has become an underwater sculpture museum. Taylor and
six other artists set sculptures at the bottom of the ocean. By the
end of 2013., 500 concrete sculptures was set up in MUSA collection.
In addition to this collection another 26 replicas was placed at a
Visitor Center at Kukulcan Mall in the Hotel zone. More than 100.000
visitors visited the museum in 2013., in addition to those 500.000,
which visited Government Protected Area.
“ Tiha
Dzejsona deKairesa Tejlora zove se “ Tiha Evolucija”. Skulpture u
ovoj postavci treba da predstave ljudsku interakciju sa prirodom, kako pozitivni tako i negativni uticaj. Svojim radom kaze
kako ljudi zajedno sa prirodom imaju zajednicku buducnost. Negativno
je to kako ljudi unistavaju prirodu i koralne grebene bez imalo
saosecanja. Svaka statua je napravljena da lici na lokalne ribolovce,
u cijoj je zajednici Tejlor ziveo. Svaka statua ima svoju licnost i
funkcije. Posvetio se svakoj skulpturi do detalja: od kose, preko odece
i sve je moralo da bude savrseno. Skuplture su postavljene s ciljem
ocuvanja grebena. Neke od statua su: devojcica sa bledim osmehom na
licu, koja gleda prema povrsini, takodje sest poslovnih ljudi sa
glavama u pesku, koji ne obracaju paznju na okruzenje, cak
predstavlja i coveka za radnim stolom, sa svojim psom, koji deluje
umorno i iskljuceno od okruzenja. Sve skulpture u “ Tihoj
Evoluciji” , pokazuju kako neki ljudi vide i prihvataju njihovo
okruzenje, dok drugi okrecu glavu. Statue su napravljene i ociscene
ispod zemlje pre nego sto su porinute u okean, kako bi se sprecila
kontaminacija vode, zivotinja i koralnog grebena. Tejloru je bilo
potrebno osamnaest meseci, a potrosio je 120 tona cementa,
peska i sljunka. S tim je jos iskoristio i 3800 metara
fiberglasa, 400 kilograma silikona i 120 sati
podvodnog rada da bi muzej bio napravljen. Umetnik je planirao da
skulpture vremenom postanu vestacki greben, pa su izlivene od
ph-neutralnog cementa, koji je specijalno osmisljen za morske uslove.
Neki korali, kao sto je vatreni koral, su posadjeni na same statue i
oko njih. “ Tiha Evolucija” ima dva dela. Prvi se odnosi na same
statue pod vodom a drugi deo je posvecen tome sta ce priroda
napraviti od njih i kako ce korali rasti i stvoriti novi koralni
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“ Silent Evolution”
deCaires Taylor's installment of sculptures is a collection he calls
the " Silent Evolution". Sculptures in this setting should
represent human interaction with the natural environment, both
positive and negative impacts. His work says that people with nature
have common future. Negative is how people are destroying nature and
coral reefs without any compassion. Each statue was built to resemble
the local fishermen, in whose community Taylor lived. Each statue has
its own personality and features. He dedicated the sculpture to every
detail of the hair over the clothes and everything had to be perfect.
Sculptures are set with the aim of preserving the reef. Some of the
statues are girl with a pale smile on her face, which looks toward
the surface, also six business people with their heads in the sand,
which does not pay attention to the environment, even represent the
man at the desk, with his dog, who seems tired and excluded from the
environment. All the sculptures in " Silent Evolution",
showing how some people see and accept their surroundings, while
others turning head. Statues are made and cleaned under the ground
before being launched into the ocean, in order to prevent
contamination of water, animals and coral reefs. It took Jason
deCaires Taylor 18 months, 120 tons of concrete, sand and gravel.
There was 3,800 m of fiberglass, 400 kg of silicone and 120 hours of
working underwater to create the museum. The artist's sculptures
planned to eventually become an artificial reef, so are cast of
ph-neutral cement that is specifically designed for marine
conditions. Some corals, such as fire coral, were planted on the same
statue and around them. " Silent Evolution" has two parts.
First part relates to the statue itself under water and the second
part is devoted to what nature will do them and how will the corals
grow and create new coral reef.
postavke su uradjene za muzej, dve se nalaze pod vodom a jedna na
kopnu. MUSA je nabavila dozvolu da potopi 1200 delova na
desetak razlicitih lokacija unutar podvodnog nacionalnog parka. Do
sada su izgradjene samo dve, Mankones greben sa svojih
477 skulptura i Punta Nizuk sa 23 prelepe strukture. Treci izlozbeni prostor je u Malu, Plaza
Kukulkan, sa 26 replika i originala. Tu moze da se vidi
originalna skulptura Roberta Diaza Abrahama “ Muza Okeana”.
500 skulptura je planirano u postavci do kraja 2010. Ronioci sa maskama,
podvodni ronioci i turisti mogu da vide podvodni muzej, ploveci
brodom sa staklenim dnom. Kubanski skulptor Elier Amado Gil priprema
novu instalaciju pod imenom “ Blagoslovi”. Nova instalacija treba
da bude postavljena u novoj galeriji “ Sitales”.
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settings are done for the museum, two are under the water and one on
land. Musa has obtained permission to sink 1,200 parts per 10
different locations within the National Marine Park. So far only two
were build, Manchones reef, with its 477 sculptures and Punta Nizuc
with 23 beautiful structures. The third exhibit room is in Mall,
Plaza Kukulcan, with 26 replicas and original. Here can be seen the
original sculpture by Robert Diaz Abraham named the " Ocean
Muse". 500 sculptures is planned for exhibition by the end of
2010. Divers with masks, underwater divers and tourists can see
underwater museum floating with glass-bottom boat. Cuban sculptor
Elier Amado Gil prepare new installation called " Blessings".
New installation should be placed in the new gallery "
#art #museum #water #evolution #installation
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