понедељак, 2. март 2015.

Michelangelo or Michelagnolo Buonarroti 1475-1564

Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet; the most famous artist of Italian Renaissance, and of modern art. In 1496. he went to Rome, where he executed the Bacchus and the famous Pieta which raised him to the rang of Italy's greatest sculptor. Returning to Florence (1501. ), he executed for the city the colossal marble sculpture David...

Mikelandjelo ili Mikelanjolo Bonaroti 1475-1564

Italijanski slikar, vajar, arhitekta, i poeta, najpoznatiji umetnik Italijanske Renesanse, i moderne umetnosti. 1496. je dosao u Rim, gde je uradio Bahusa  i slavnu Pijetu, sto ga stavlja u rang Italijanskog najveceg vajara. Po povratku u Firencu (1501. ), za grad je isklesao kolosalnu mermernu skulpturu Davida...

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