четвртак, 5. март 2015.

Ra ( Re, Fra)

Egipatski bog, cije ime verovatno znaci "tvorac", predstavljao je Sunce, suverenog gospodara neba, a njegovo glavno svetiliste nalazilo se u "Severnom Iunu", koji su Grci zbog toga zvali Heliopolj. Tamosnji svestenici tvrdili su da se bog  prvi put pojavio na Benbenu, ogromnom kamenu u vidu obeliska, pobozno cuvanom u hramu koji je po njemu dobio ime Het Benben , "zamak obeliska". Prema ucenju Heliopoljana, bog-Sunce je prethodno, pod imenom Atum, pocivao u Nunu, prvobitnom okeanu, i u tom prebivalistu morao je dobro da pazi da se njegov sjaj ne ugasi, pa je drzao oci sklopljene ili camio zatvoren u lotosovom pupoljku, sve dok se jednog dana, nesrecan zbog toga sto je tako bezlican,, nije snagom volje izdigao iznad bezdana i pojavio u punom sjaju, pod imenom Ra. Od njega su potom postali Su i Tefnet , koji su zatim dobili Geba i Nut, a ovi Ozirisa i Izidu, Seta i Neftidu, sve u svemu, nastalo je osam velikih bozanstava koja su, sa svojim poglavarom Raom, tacnije Ra Atumom, buduci da su ta dva boga poistovecena, oformila veliku heliopljsku boznsku eneadu. Ra je iz sebe samog, bez ikakvog zenskog ucesca , izvukao prvi bozanski par, i tek mu je docnije data supruga Rait, cije je ime u stvari zenska verzija njegovog, ili pak Iusas, Eus-os,Vert-Hekeu, "velika carobnica. Za ljude i ostala stvorenja govorilo se da su nastali iz Raovih suza, sto predstavlja igru reci "suze" i "ljudi" tvore asonancu (samoglasnicko podudaranje).

U isto vreme, bog je stvorio prvi svet, drugaciji od sadasnjeg, kojim  je vladao iz "princevog zamka" u Heliopolju, gde je vecinom boravio, Zapisi iz piramida potanko opisuju njegov kraljevski zivot, govore o tome kako posle jutarnjeg kupanja i prvog obroka, u pratnji pisara Unega obilazi svojom barkom dvanaest pokrajina svog kraljevstva, i u svakoj provodi jedan cas.

Kao mlad i snazan, Ra mirno vlada bogovima i ljudima, medjutim, godine ga stizu, i tekstovi ga prikazuju kao starca sa cijih drhtavih usana neprestano curi pljuvacka. Kasnije Izida koristi njegovu senilnost i saznaje njegovo tajno ime, cime je zadobila vrhovnu moc; i sami ljudi primetili su Raovu slabost, pa su poceli da dizu glas protiv njega, sto je on na kraju saznao. S razlogom razljucen, sazvao je savet i upitao svakog boga ponaosob sta bi trebalo preduzeti, a onda je odlucio da baci svoje bozansko oko na pobunjene podanike. Na kraju saznajemo, kako je Bozansko oko, u oblicju boginje Hator, jurnulo na krivce i iskasapilo ih bez milost, te kako je umireni bog stavio tacku na krvoprolice, jer mu njegova dobrota nije dopustala da istrebi citav ljudski rod.

Zbog ljudske nezahvalnosti pozeleo je, ipak, da napusti zemaljski svet i skloni se izvan bilo cijeg domasaja; zato se, po Nunovom naradjenju, boginja Nut pretvorila u kravu, smestila Raa na ledja i podigla ga na sam vrh nebeskog svoda, stvorivsi na taj nacin sadasnji svet.

Otkako je zauvek napustio zemaljski svet i otisao na nebo, bog-Sunce vodi zivot uredjen po nepromenljivim pravilima. tokom dvanaest casova obdanice, u barci prelazi preko svog carstva sa istoka na zapad, i pri tom pazljivo izbegava napade svog vecitog neprijatelja Apofisa (Apapija, Apapa), velike zmije sa dna nebeskog Nila, koja povremeno, u trenutku pomracenja, uspe da proguta Suncevu barku, ali je Raovi branioci na kraju uvek pobede i bace nazad u bezdan. Tokom dvanaest nocnih casova, bog se suocava sa jos vecim opsanostima, ali uvek ostaje nepovredjen, a dok prelazi iz pecine u pecinu, klicanjem ga pozdravljaju zitelji donjeg sveta, koji nestrpljivo cekaju njegovu svetlost, da bi potom ponovo pali u teskobnu tamu u kojoj ce ostati naredna dvadeset tri casa.

Svestenici su takodje govorili da se Ra svakog jutra radja kao dete, da do podneva raste, a onda kopni kao starac, i uvece umire.

Prikazivan je na razlicite nacine: kao kraljevsko dete smesteno na lotosu iz koga je rodjeno, kao covek koji sedi ili hoda, a na glavi nosi suncev disk oko koga je obmotan Ureus, strasna sveta zmija koja bljuje vatru i unistava neprijatelje boga, kao covek sa glavom ovna, Efu Ra, kome je mrtvo Sunce otelotvoreno tokom svog nocnog putovanja. 

Cesto ga vidimo i kao osobu sa sokolovom glavom na kojoj stoji disk sa Ureusom; to je Ra Harahti, veliki solarni bog iz Heliopolja, vrhovni vladalac Egipta. Raovih oblicja i imena ima bezbroj, kao sto i sam bog kaze, a zalopojke posvecene Suncu urezane na ulazu u kraljevske grobnice, navode cak njih sedamdeset pet.

Boga Raa, s kojim ce se naposletku poistovetiti i ostali bogovi, svi su priznavali kao tvorca i gospodara sveta, a od vremena Starog carstva narocito su ga postovali faraoni, koji su sebe nazivali "Raovim sinovima". Jedna prica govori o tome kako je bog-Sunce u jednom trenutku zamenio zakonitog supruga Ruditdidit, zene svog prvosvestenika, i s njom dobio tri sina, prva tri faraona iz V dinastije; kad god treba da bude rodjen faron, Ra silazi na zemlju i sjedinjuje se s kraljicom. 

Od cuvenog svetilista u Heliopolju, u kome je Ra obozavan u oblicju ogromnog obeliska, okamanjenog suncevog zraka, i gde se otelovljavao kao bik Mnevis, a ponekad i kao ptica Benu, danas se mogu videti samo bezoblicne rusevine i jedan obelisk, najstariji u Egiptu, podignut za vreme XII dinastije, za vladavine kralja Senusreta I.

Ra ( Re, Fra)

Egyptian god, whose name probably means "the Creator", represented the Sun, sovereign lord of the sky, and his main sanctuary was located in the "North Iun", which the Greeks because of that, called Heliopolis. The local priests claimed that god first appeared in Benben, huge stone in the form of an obelisk, religious guarded in temple which is named after him Het Benben, "castle of the obelisk". According teaching of citizens of Heliopolis, the Sun-god was previously called Atum, and he rest in Nu, original ocean, and in this residence he had to look good for his shine not extinguished, so he kept his eyes assembled or languish closed in lotus bud, until one day, unfortunate because he is so impersonal, by power of will rise above the abyss and appeared in all his glory under the name Ra. From him are then become Su and Tefnut, which are then get Geb and Nut, and these- Osiris and Isis, Seth and Nephthys, after all, it was created eight major deities, which with its ruler Ra, precisely Ra Atum, since these two gods was assimilated, formed a large Heliopolian divine ennead. Ra, from himself, without any female participation, pulled out the first divine couple and yet he was later given wife Rait, whose name is in fact a female version of his own, or Iusas, Eus-axis, Vert-Heke, "the Great Enchantress". For humans and other creatures were said to have formed from the tears of Ra, which represents a game of words: "tears" and "people"create assonance ( the use of words that have the same or very similar vowel sounds near one another).

At the same time, god has created the first world, different from current, ruled out from "prince castle" in Heliopolis, where he mostly stayed. Records from pyramids describing in detail his royal life, talk about how after a morning swim and the first meal, accompanied by a scribe Unego visit by his boat twelve provinces of his kingdom, and in each spend one hour.

As a young and strong, Ra peaceful rule gods and men, however, he gets old and texts depict him as an old man from whose trembling lips constantly dripping saliva. Later, Isis uses his senility and learns his secret name by which she gained supreme power; and the people themselves have noted Ra weakness, and began to speak out against him, what he eventually learned. With good reason disgruntled, convened a council and asked every individual god what should be taken, and then decided to throw his Divine eye on the rebellious minions. In the end we learn how Divine eye in the image of goddess Hathor, swooped on the culprits and butchered them without mercy and how it is appeased god put an end to the bloodshed, because he could not allow his kindness to exterminate the entire human race.

Because of human ingratitude wished, however, to leave the earthly world and tend to be outside the reach of anyone; therefore, by order of Nun, goddess Nut turned into a cow, Ra settled on her back and she lifted him to the top of the firmament, thus creating the present world.

Since forever left the earthly world and went to heaven, the Sun-god live a life arranged by immutable rules. During the twelve hours of daylight, in the boat passes over his empire from East to West and at the same time carefully avoiding attacks from perpetual enemy Apophis ( Apep or Apepi), large snake from bottom of the celestial Nile, which at times, at the time of the eclipse, managed to swallow the Solar boat, but Ra's defenders in the end always wins and throw Apophis back into the abyss. During the twelve hours of night god is faced with even greater threatened, but still remains unharmed, while passing from cave to cave, with acclamation greet him inhabitants of the lower world, who eagerly await the light, but then again fallen into the cramped darkness which will remain next twenty-three hours.

The priests also spoke that Ra is every morning born like a child, to grow until noon, and than melts away like an old man, and dying in the evening.

It was screened in different ways: as a royal child who is placed on a lotus from which is born, as a man who is sitting or walking, and wears a solar disk around which is wrapped Uraeus, terrible holly snake that breathes fire and destroys the enemies of god, as a man with a head of a ram, Efu Ra, which is dead sun embodied during his night journey.  

Often we see him as a person with hawk's head on which stands the disk with Uraeus; it is Ra Harahti, large solar god of Heliopolis, the supreme ruler of Egypt. Ra's looking has innumerable, same as his names,such as god said, a lament dedicated to the Sun engraved at the entrance to the royal tombs, according to them, even seventy five.

God Ra, with whom will eventually identify other gods, all of them recognized him as a creator and master of the world, and from the time of the Old Empire are especially revered by pharaohs, who called themselves "sons of Ra". One story tells how the god-Sun at one time replaced the lawful husband Ruditdidit, wife of his high priest, which became his mistress, and with whom he had three sons, the first three pharaohs of fifth Dynasty; whenever need to be born a pharaoh Ra comes down to earth and is united with the queen.

From the famous sanctuary in Heliopolis, where Ra is worshiped in the form of huge obelisk, petrified ray of sunshine, and where would personify as a bull Mnevis, and sometimes as a bird Benu, today we can only see formless ruins and one obelisk, the oldest in Egypt, built during the twelfth dynasty, during the reign of king Senusret I.

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