уторак, 3. март 2015.

Vide Cor Meum- Libretto in Italian- Latin with translation

Vide Cor Meum is a song composed by Patrick Cassidy based on Dante's "La Vita Nuova", and was performed by Libera/ Lyndhurst Orchestrate, conducted by Gavin Greenaway. Singers are Danielle de Niese and Bruno Lazzaretti, who play Beatrice and Dante.
The song first appeared in the movie Hannibal, while DR. Hannibal Lecter and Inspector Pazzi see an outdoor opera in Florence, and was especially composed for the movie.

"Moje srce" je pesma- kompozitor: Patrik Kasidi; zasnovana je na Danteovom "Novom zivotu", izvodi je: Libera/Lindherstskog aranzmana, dirigent -Gevina Grineveja. 
Pevaci su: Danijela de Nise i Bruno Lazareti, koji igraju Beatrisu i Dantea.
Pesma se prvi put pojavljuje u filmu "Hanibal"(scena kada Dr. Hanibal Lekter i inspektor Paci vide operu na otvorenom u Firenci) i specijalno je komponovana za ovaj film.

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