среда, 18. март 2015.

Beli Hram

( Wat Rong Khun)

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White Temple

( Wat Rong Khun)

Danas sam imao malo slobodnog vremena, listao sam neke casopise, i u jednom od njih “ Fourculture”, naisao sam na clanak o ovom prelepom, savremenom hramu...

Izvor: Fourculture
sesnaesto izdanje
januar/ februar 2015.

Tajlandski Wat Rong Khun ( beli hram) je privatna umetnicka izlozba izgradjena u stilu Budistickog hrama. Hram je dizajniran da oslika Nirvanu, strukturu i okolno podrucje kreirao je Chalermchai Kositpipat, vizuelni umetnik poznat po upotrebi budistickog simbolizma u radovima. Objekat je otvoren za posetioce 1997. a jos uvek ga dogradjuju Kositpipat i njegov tim. Kositpipat se obavezao da ce nastaviti sa izgradnjom ovog kompleksa do kraja zivota.

Izvor: Vikipedija

Most “ Ciklus radjanja i umiranja”: do glavne zgrade belog hrama, ubosota, dolazi se mostom, postavljenim preko malog jezera. Ispred mosta su stotine isprepletenih ruku, simbol neobuzdane zelje. Most oslikava put do srece, kroz iskusenje, pohlepu i strast. Pored mosta stoje dve elegantne “ Kinare”, olicenje polu-coveka, polu-ptice, stvorenja iz budisticke mitologije.

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Today I had some free time , so I flipping through some magazines, and in one of them, " Fourculture", came across an article about this beautiful modern temple...

Source: Fourculture
issue sixteen
January/ February 2015

Thailand's Wat Rong Khun ( white temple) is a privately owned art exhibit in the style of the Buddhist temple. Designed to depict Nirvana, the structure and surrounding areas was created by Chalermchai Kositpipat a visual artist recognized for his use of Budhist imagery in his art. The structure has been open to visitors since 1997. and additions are still being made to the white temple by Kositpipat and his team. He has committed to continue to build this complex for the rest of his life.

Source: Wikipedia

The bridge of “ the cycle of rebirth”: the main building at the white temple, the ubosot, is reached by crossing a bridge over a small lake. In front of the bridge are hundreds of outreaching hands that symbolize unrestrained desire. The bridge proclaims that the way to happiness is by foregoing temptation, greed and desire. Next to the lake stands two very elegant “ Kinnaree”, half-human, half-bird creatures from Buddhist mythology.

Nebeska kapija: Nakon prelaska mosta, dolazi se do “ vrata raja”, njih cuvaju dva stvorenja: Smrt i Rahu ( onaj, koji odlucuje o sudbini mrtvih). Ispred ubosota nalazi se nekoliko slika Bude,koji meditira.

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Gate of heaven: After crossing the bridge the visitors arrives at the “ gate of heaven”, guarded by two creatures representing Death and Rahu, who decides the fate of dead. In front of ubosot are several meditative Buddha images.

Ubosot: Glavni objekat je bela zgrada, ciji reljef je naglasen komadicima ogledala. Ubosot spaja elemente klasicne tajlandske arhitekture, kao sto je troslojni krov, sa bogatim koriscenjem Nage ( zmijsko bozanstvo u hinduistickoj i budistickoj mitologiji). “ Unutrasnjost hrama je dekorisana prelaskom netaknuto bele do vatrene i zbunjujuce. Murali predstavljaju kovitlanje narandzastog plamena i demona a protkani su i zapadnim idolima poput Majkla Dzeksona, Nea iz Matriksa, Fredi Krugera i Terminatora iz serije T-800. Predstave nuklearnog rata, teroristickih napada, naftnih pumpi, su slike covekovog destruktivnog uticaja na planetu. Prisustvo Harija Potera, Supermena i Helou Kiti donekle zbunjuje porukom, ali opsta moralna poruka je jasna: ljudi su zli.”

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Ubosot: The principal building, the ubosot is an all white building with fragments of mirrored glass embedded in building's exterior. The ubosot embodies design elements from classic Thai architecture such as the three-tiered roof and abundant use of Naga serpents. “ Inside the temple, decor swiftly moves from pristine white to fiery and bewildering. Murals depict swirling orange flames and demon faces, interspersed with Western idols such as Michael Jackson, Neo from the Matrix, Freddy Kruger, and a T-800 series Terminator. Images of nuclear warfare, terrorist attacks, an oil pumps hammer home the destructive impact that humans have had on earth. The presence of Harry Potter, Superman and Hello Kitty confuses the message somewhat, but overall moral is clear: people are wicked.”


Zlatna zgrada: “ Zgrada koja se izdvaja zbog svoje boje je objekat namenjen odmoru. Jos jedan raskosno ukrasen objekat, ova zgrada predstavlja telo, dok beli ubosot predstavlja um. Zlato je simbol ljudskog fokusa na primarne strasti i novac. Zlatna zgrada predstavlja ideju o sticanju zasluga i fokusiranju na um, naspram materijalnih stvari i posedovanja.”

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The golden building: “ A structure that stands out because of its color is the rest rooms building. Another very ornately decorated structure, this golden building represents the body, whereas the white ubosot represents the mind. The gold symbolizes how people focus on worldly desires and money. The golden building represents the idea to make merit and to focus on the mind, instead of material things and possession.”

Detalji kompleksa:

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Details of the complex:

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