понедељак, 23. март 2015.


Sabrata ili Siburata je grad u severozapadnom delu danasnje Libije, na obali Sredozemnog mora. Na arheoloskom lokalitetu se nalaze ostaci rimskog pozorista, nekoliko hramova posvecenih Liber Pateru, Srapisu i Izidi, kao i hriscanska bazilika iz vremena Justinijana. Sabrata je bio najzapadniji od “ tri grada” ( Sabrata, Oea i Leptis Magna) drevne Tripolitanije. Sabratu su prikljucili pokrajini Rimska Afrika Augustovi naslednici. Grad je poceo da se razvija zahvaljujuci luci, koja datira, po pretpostavkama, iz 500. godine pre nove ere. Luka je bila zadnja stanica transsaharske rute i u nju su se dopremale razne stavke iz crne Afrike (zlato, slonovaca i drugo). Ovaj grad je dostigao vrhunac za vreme vladavine Severansa, kada je u njemu zivelo 25000 stanovnika. Grad je tesko ostecen u zemljotresima tokom 4. veka, posebno u zemljotresu 365. godine. U delu grada, pri samoj obali mediteranskog mora se nalazi rimski amfiteatar, koji je dobro ocuvan. Velicanstveni trospratni amfiteatar sa kolonadama, je izgradjen krajem 3. veka, i u njega je moglo da stane 10000 gledalaca. Njegova velicina je 93 metra u precniku. Jos uvek je dobro ocuvano stepeniste amfitetatra ( odnosi se na mesta za sedenje), a vidljivi su i podzemni tuneli, iz kojih su se pustale divlje zveri u arenu. Takodje tu se nalazi i hriscanska bazilika, kao i ostaci podnih mozaika bogatih rimskih stanova rimske Severne Afrike( na primer vila Silen, u blizini Komsa). Medjutim najbolje ocuvani mozaici u boji se nalaze u Termama Foruma, sa pogledom na more, dok su crno beli mozaici najbolje ocuvani u Termama rimskog pozorista. Rusevine drevne Sabrate, ukljucujuci velicanstveni amfiteatar i Forum, ilustruju raskos, koju je grad imao pod vladavinom Rimljana. Sabrata je stavljena pod zastitu Uneskove svetske bastine 1982. godine.

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Sabratha, Sabaratah or Siburata is a city in the northwestern part of present-day Lybia, on the Mediterranean Sea. In the archaeological site there are remains of a Roman theater, several temples dedicated to Liber Pater, Serapis and Isis, and a Christian basilica from the time of Justinian. Sabratha was a westernmost of the “ three cities” ( Sabratha, Oea and Leptis Magna) of ancient Tripolitania. Sabartha was included in the Roman Africa province under Augustu's successors. The city has begun to develop thanks to the port, dating, according to the assumptions, from the year 500 BC. Sabartha's port was the last station of transaharan route and there it had brought variety of items from black Africa ( gold, ivory etc. ). The city reached its peak during the reign of Severans, when it lived 25,000 inhabitants. The city was heavily damaged in the earthquakes during the 4th century, especially in earthquake of AD 365. In part of the city, along the coast of Mediterranean Sea is a Roman Theater, which is well preserved. Magnificent three-storey theater with colonnades, was built in the 2nd century and it could fit 10,000 spectators. Its size is 93 meters in diameter. It is still well preserved steps of the theatre, and underground tunnels too, from which used to let wild beasts in the arena. In addition there is also a Christian basilica, as well as the remains of floor mosaics of the wealthy Romans in North Africa ( for example Villa Sileen near Khoms). However the best preserved coloured mosaics are at the Forum, with a wiev of the sea. Black and white mosaics are well preserved on the floor of the Theatre baths. The ruins of the ancient Sabratha, including magnificent Theatre and the Forum, illustrating the richness, which the city had under Roman rule. Sabratha placed under the protection of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.

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