уторак, 7. април 2015.

Prijateljstvo, razumevanje, spoznaja

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Friendship, comprehension, cognition

Nikada se nisam plasio vezivanja za ljude... Mnogo puta se desilo da je to vezivanje bilo uzaludno, ali uvek sam zeleo da verujem da je vredelo pokusati. Bilo je svakakvih momenata u mom zivotu, ali sam uvek zeleo da pratim svoj optimizam, gde god da me odvede. To moje ludilo je uvek bilo praceno mnogim ljudima, koji su se predstavljali kao prijatelji... Jos uvek verujem da iskreno i pravo prijateljstvo postoji, mada sam se milion puta opekao... No, pravo prijateljstvo treba zasluziti, treba graditi obostrano poverenje, graditi ljubav koja postoji medju prijateljima. Ponekad ljudi, kojima pruzas toliko mnogo sebe, jednostavno prestanu da prate tvoj korak, ali se ipak trudis da shvatis, sta se desilo i sta se promenilo... I oprastas, uvek i iznova oprastas, koliko god umoran od tih oprostaja bio...I opet je tu novi pocetak, nove price, novi dozivljaji.
Tek nekolicina svih tih ljudi i dan danas je, posle toliko godina, prisutna u mome zivotu, sa tim ljudima sam izgradio dobre i stabilne odnose. Neki traju i vise od trideset godina, i svih ovih godina se relacije samo nadogradjuju. Prijatelji trpe moje ludilo, sve mane i nedostatke koje imam, svaku tugu, svaki jad ,bol, ceznju, svu srecu u mom zivotu, svaku novu ljubav, svako novo prolece, koje sa mnom nosi novo ludilo...Uvek sam zeleo da verujem, da i ja sam uzvracam istom merom, iskreno volim moje prijatelje, bezuslovno i bez negativne kritike, ali isto tako sam se trudio, da pomognem koliko god sam mogao. Jer to i jeste sustina svakog zrelog odnosa, a najvise u prijateljstvu, priteci nekome u pomoc. Razumevanje je takodje deo iskrenog prijateljskog odnosa, i koliko god su mi nekada cudne neke stvari kod nekih ljudi, utoliko vise se trudim da shvatim i razumem... A verujte, saznanje zna da bude veoma bolno... Ponekad mi se cini, da bih bio blazeniji u zivotu, da ne razumem i ne znam neke stvari, da mi jednostavno nije stalo.
Ponekad se desi prekretnica u zivotu svakoga od nas. Prekretnice nose mnoga pitanja, na koje covek ne moze da nadje odgovor, dok god ne izabere put, a kada ga i izabere, to jos uvek ne znaci da ce biti zadovoljan odgovorima i saznanjima, koje mu je taj put doneo. Svako od nas mora da predje svoj put, da bi dobio odgovore na pitanja, koja su vezana licno za njega, i iako ti odgovori nisu uvek onakvi, kakve ocekujemo, ipak su prozivljeni i nasi...
Svako zadovoljstvo, ali i svako ogorcenje dolazi spoznajom...

I've never been afraid of attachment to the people... Many times it happened that this binding was futile, but I've always wanted to believe it was worth a try. There were all sorts of moments in my life, but I always wanted to follow mine own optimism, wherever take me. That mine madness has always been accompanied by a lot of people, which identified themselves as friends... I still believe that sincere and true friendship exists, though I burned a million times... Than, true friendship must be earned, should build mutual trust, build a love that exists among friends. Sometimes people whom You give so much yourself, just stop to accompany your step, but it is still trying to figure out, what happened and what has changed... And you forgive, forgive again and always, no matter how tired  of these forgiveness I was... And again, there is a new beginning, new stories, new experiences.
Only a few of these people even today, after so many years, is present in my life, with these people I've built a good and stable relations. Some last more than thirty years, and all these years this relations just upgraded. Friends suffer my madness, all the shortcomings and deficiencies that I have, every sorrow, every woe, pain, yearning, all the happiness in my life, each new love, each new spring, which carries with me a new madness... I always wanted to believe that I reciprocate same way, I truly love my friends, unconditionally and without negative criticism, but i also tried to help as much as I could. Because that is true essence of any mature relationship, and mostly in friendship, make haste to help someone. Understanding is also part of sincere friendly relations, and as far as some things are strange to me from some people, the more I try to figure out to understand... And believe me, cognition can be very painful...Sometimes it seems to me, that I'd been blessed in my life to not understand and do not know some things, I do not get important. 
Sometimes a turning point happens in the life of each of us. Turning points carry a lot of questions, to which man can not find the answers, as long as he do not choose the path, and when he chooses one, it still does not mean that he will be satisfied with the answers and findings, which he passed that way. Each of us has to cross our path to get the answers to questions that are related to him personally, and although these responses are not always what we expect, but still felt and ours... 
Every satisfaction, but also every exasperation comes with knowledge...


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